Classic Cryptobots Wrap
To make your trading experience easy we have made a wrapping contract for Classic Bots!
To make your trading experience easy we have made a wrapping contract for Classic Bots! No more bothering with the bugs with the old Classic Bots OpenSea contract!
Firstly you need to click on the "Load Bots" button on the Wrap page and wait for a few seconds.
To wrap your Classic Cryptobots to ERC-721 you have to approve them all on the wrapped ERC-721 contract.
Due to the original 2017 Classic Bots contract being old you have to approve all your Bots one by one. For example, if you have 10 Bots you have to approve every Bot individually.
To approve a Bot click on the "Approve" button and confirm transaction on Metamask.
To save the gas on the wrapping operation you can wrap multiple Bots in one transaction - they have to be first all approved as in Step 1. Select all approved bots you approved in the Step 1 above and click "Wrap selected"
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